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Dales Pathway - Aotea

Mr and Mrs Walking with Kids

Sunday 13th March 2022

Location: The Dales Reserve -14 Fiordland Place, Aotea, Porirua 5024

We discovered this little gem as part of a much longer walk but wanted to write a separate post. Mainly because it's buggy friendly and perfect for beginner walkers. We've struggled to find anything on-line about it so here's our little synopsis :)

You start at Dales Reserve which has a little playground, always a great start to a walk.

There is a little yellow sign which points towards the track. It is a wide gravel track, buggy and little foot friendly - it demands stopping every 1-2 meters so while it's only about 1km we took around 30 (minutes each way).

We were amazed at how many little treasures we saw along the way - more than any other fairy walk we've been on.

Miss 7 was extremely excited - making Mum stop every 2 meters to take another photo. We were so impressed at how much effort had gone into everything. To who we owe our thanks we have no idea (because we literally can't find anything online :)) but in lieu of knowing a big thanks to the "allusive fairies".

Near the bottom we came to a little bridge which the kids loved (keeping them out of the water took a bit of persuasion).

There are a few tracks that veer off to the right, we figured that they must be alternate access points to the park. We continued on until we reached the Bothamley Pathway it’s not well sign posted but basically it’s a clear split in the track (we have another article on this walk if you're interested, essentially you take a left here if you wanted to complete a 7.5km loop). Or you can just return along the same track back to Dales Reserve :)

Such a fun little find!

Enjoy :)

Age of Kids: 7yr and 9yrs

Walking Time: 1 hour return (mainly because we stopped every 1 meter).

Distance: 2 km return

Buggy Friendly: A wide buggy friendly track

Difficulty: Easy

Wet Feet: No

Amenities: We didn't see any amenities, but you're never far away from a road.

Dogs: Lead Only

Cellphone Reception: Yes


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